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Friday, May 7, 2010

i'm too excited nk berblogging

memandangkan todaY is da 1st day aku start berblogging....mmg terasa excited la sgt..

balik je dr keja.....trus jer mengadap laptop...

..klik sana klik sini..

nk blaja menSTYLOkan blog aku nih...

jgn marah ek..huhu

syok jgk berblogging ni kan??

so,,,i've new hobbY now...hehehehe

love it so much

menyesal x start berblogging awl2 dlu..hihiii

anyway...aku nk ucap "thanks so mucHHHH" kat my dear fren stiLLa yg menurunkan ilmu berblogging nih kat aku...

tanpa guide dr dia...mmg x wujud la blog aku ni...huhuhu
so guys,,,give me support k...
rajin2 la g meLawat blog aku ni...
p/s to STILLA:
u need 2 be my top follower k dear...


:-: LilacMessy :-: said...

kak tilla mmg shempoi kn..


peaNut said...

a very2 good fren...hihi

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